Monkeybar theory
Hi all, I wonder how many are reading this. :)
Hey passion, don't get extinguished before the 7 months is up.
If my life was ever a storybook, then it'd be the one left on the shelf collecting dust. The portion worth mentioning - arrival of the librarian once in a while to clear that layer of grey.
I did waste my time away the past weeks, ever since FYE ended. Nonetheless, I'm guilt-free. We are all humans and we need a break. Probably the one thing commendable amidst all these mental relaxation/unproductive-ness was my realization of the 'poor-rich' divide in SA. Contrary to the struggle of many to qualify for L.U.E., the insane 4H2s students are tearing their hair apart in a bid to attain that 80 rank-point that is from their POV, wholly realistic. I understand expectations of one are non-imposable on another, but should we shift the focus to being more sensitive towards others? Listening to these insaints whining over their crushed dreams of straight A's is enough a torment for those who failed to promote. What more, attempting a public announcement over their success right in others' face. You seriously don't expect them applaud you, do you? Be ashamed if you do. If you have a problem with containing your happiness, you should consider shutting yourself in the toilet and rejoice with the toilet bowl.
Everyone is occupied with PEEDOUBLEYOU. I admit that it's always demoralizing to get back a WR draft filled with red yet getting reminded of how confident we were previously before handing up our draft. But I'm more than willing to repeat this torture. I really love PW. I don't know how many JC students I've already offended with my previous sentence but that ain't any of my concerns. CLASSYSAVINASHAOKWANG, maybe you guys would never get to see, but 3 of you are the best I could wish for. Let's work harder for OP, PW is more than just a H1 for us. Press on. :)
Netball trainings have resumed. Sometimes I hate myself for being so indecisive, I hate it when I choose to disappoint myself instead of others. Okay. Fine, I think I'm staying in netball. Everyone's fighting, there's no reason for me to leave. Just 7 months more to go. Please keep me going.

P.S: Vivienunehblackcakesim, I miss you! How I wished we were in the same school. I know I'm naive. Knock me out of dreamland. Seeyou soon. :)