To celebrate the 10 gruelling days with no freedom which was finally done and over with, and to pacify our bruised ego after going through an ordeal called the 'Chemistry MCQs', 4A girls went to eat down the whole of sakae at Marina Square, yes including the conveyor belt.
Decided on 4pm at sakae, went to play ball with janice, perle, vivien, sk, weijian at the basketball court because we still had time to spare. Soon after, Shiyi and Leo( HAHAHA perle, cancer came too.) I thought it was a perfect plan as the only way to lessen my guilt which gonna accumulate when I stuff sushis down my throat is to burn before I binge.
The entire 2-3 hours spent in sakae was hella fun. We separated into 2 tables, and somehow we were in the which-table-eats-the-most compeition. Yes logically, we started our food binge.

My team mates lol.
Andrea with her terriyaki chicken don! :D

Gyoza! :D I was crazy about it after being influence by black. HAH.
Does this:
resemble this childhood favourite?

And just after awhile,


Since when are snakes, rabbits, cats, dragons and elephants left in the same enclosure? HAH!
After the bulk of maincourse, we still had plates of watermelon to finish. Thus our table ended up playing zhong ji mi ma, lol. I survived the whole game and didn't had to eat anymore! ^^
Perle: 'Okay I've thought of the number, 1-50, Andrea start.'
Andrea: '5'
Perle: '1.5.'
After Andrea was my turn.
Andrea: 'Say 3 say 3, hahahah'
Me: 'hahahahah 3.'
Perle: '1-3.'
Then it was Vivien's turn! (Y) lolol.
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